Christmas with the Keller Family! Part 2--Christmas Day
- Thursday, January 7, 2010 -
Ok, back to my Christmas with the Keller family. So in the morning when everyone was done with their breakfast, it's time to give out the stockings that Santa prepared the night before!

Grandma with her stocking

Michelle (Justine's Mum) with her stocking

Kaitlyn (Justine's Sis) with her stocking

And MEEE with my stocking!

This was the first thing I pulled out from the stocking -- snowman (head) apple chocolate!

These are all my stocking gifts!

Heee, Santa gave me and Kaitlyn each a snowman head!
After stockings, it's time for real presents!! I was supposed to be the elf (Santa's helper) in distributing the gifts! Heees, fUN!

Haha, the presents I got!! Whoa!!
After everyone got their presents, it's time to OPEN THE PRESENTS!

Carol Anne and John (Justine's Aunt and Uncle) opening the present from their daughter, Rachel (aka Santa)

And they got matching winter hats!! Spun by Rachel using the wool from their old farm. So cool and touching. They said that was their best present ever.

Justine got Victoria Secret's undies from Rachel. haha. she so sian diao.

And Kaitlyn got it too! but she more shuang kuai in taking the photo! hahaha.

Rachel got a helmet from her boyfriend (guy beside her) COOL~

And these are all my presents!!

Present #1: Pajama (not in picture)
This is present #2: Bench sweater!! Oh my I love it soooooo much. Thanks, Keller family!

Present #3: CANUCK T-shirt! hehe I'm a CANUCK now :p I love it tooo, fits really well ;)
And Justine with the star shaped candle holder I bought for her. Pretty~~

Present #4: ALDO gift card from Justine which I have already spent on a winter hat and a pair of earrings for CNY

And last but not least, CHRISTMAS CARDS! But what's better, money in the card!! I didn't know that they have such tradition as well. hahaha.

Heh heh, I really love the snowman head ;-)
After present opening, it's time for light lunch!

Lunch -- Pizza bun. SIMPLY DELICIOUS!

Heh heh, cool yea?

From that book of recipe, Grandpa made Eggnog

Eggnog. This is not my cup. Too much for me. The rum in it will knock me out if I finish this cup.
After eggnog, it's time to prepare for the christmas dinner!!

Michelle is all ready (and cute!)

Grandpa with the TURKEY!

Hehe, we helped too! We were peeling potatoes.

Markers to mark the different wine glasses so that we don't drink others' wine.

That's how the markers work!

And the dinner table is set (prettily~~~)

I look like I'm in a restaurant. haha. I'm all ready for dinner!


And turkey stuffings

Cream peas

Turkey cut and ready to be eaten!

Heard that this is called Squash.

And it was a buffet style dinner.

Dessert--Rum cake made by Rachel

And this is the Keller family!
< 7:16 AM >
- Thursday, December 31, 2009 -
sorry friends, i know i haven't uploaded the pictures for christmas day. i will do it soon (i hope). anyways this post is to get in time for the last post of 2009 (singapore time) and kinda summary of my year 2009.
in simple terms: 2009, a year of NEW EXPERIENCES.
why new experiences?
1. went to KOREA for summer exchange. cannot believe the tonnes of shopping stuff i bought and the amount that i've spent on clothes and facial stuff.
2. travelled EUROPE, not all of them though. and though the places that i planned to go to before leaving singapore, I DID NOT GO! my goodness, end up i went to countries that i didn't plan to go at all e.g. london, barcelona, budapest AND CANADA! i have NEVER imagined myself in CANADA!
3. went to lectures in a foreign language. it's my first and LAST (i'll make that happen) experience. NEVER will i want to do my courses in a foreign language ANYMORE. everyday convo still ok, so living in a germany is still fine. haha.
4. first time leaving home for sooooooo long.
5. first time realising that boyfriend and family are sooooo important to me. I always thought I can live alone without missing them too much cos has always been so independent with everything. 2009 proved me wrong.
6. FIRST time seeing snow!!! (: (: (:
7. FIRST time building a snowman!! (: (: (:
8. Almost could SKI for the first time in 2009 but got postponed so will make that a first thing in 2010!! (:
9. first time lving with a dog in the same household for more than 1 day. people who know me should know i am scared of anything that is not human. but cos i'm staying with my friend in canada and she has a dog, i live with the dog for the past few days.
10. and a first time feeling the sadness when an animal dies. i know this is sad but 2009 ended for me and the Keller family in a sad way.
Their dog, Georgia, had to be put to sleep just now because she is old (10 years old) and was diagnosed with diabetes. she couldn't control her urine and she puked in the house few times. she also shivered alot yesterday. they discovered her diabetes a bit late and she did not respond to the treatment today. she was all weak and it was a tough decision for the family to decide to put her in a animal emergency hospital or to put her to sleep. and finally, it was decided to put her to sleep. everyone in the family was really sad. for me, i am not a fan of dogs, but after living with her for the past 1 week or so, i felt so sad to hear that she has to be put to sleep. this morning, Georgia was walking around the house and she laid in front of me. she looked sad and tired, i had the urge to pat her but i didn't quite dare to. and the next thing i know, i will never get to see her again. ): i will remember you, Georgia.

Didn't quite managed to get her front view.
Anyways friends, i wish you a HAPPY 2010!! May the new year be a better one for you and me (: Await my return!! (:
< 1:09 PM >
Christmas with the Keller Family! Part 1--Christmas Eve
- Saturday, December 26, 2009 -
Side track a bit from my trips. I'm in Canada for Christmas break and I flew with my Canadian friend, Justine and is staying with her. For Christmas, we spent it at her Grandparents' place. On Christmas eve, about 3pm, we drove to her grandparents'. It was a 2.5hrs drive and we were greeted by her really warm and welcoming grandparents and aunts and uncles. And here's my Christmas eve with them!
Christmas is just wonderful with the Keller family. This is the first time that I really feel the Christmasy feeling in the air! Everything is soooo different.
#1 Christmas decorations. I just love Christmas decorations. They are soooo pretty~~

Guardian Angel doll

Candles on the dinner table

Christmas TREE!!

Presents under the Christmas tree. They are REAL ok~
#2 Christmas eve dinner

Appetizer--Biscuits with cheese. OMG they tasted wonderful. sooo delicious.

Soup with bread in there

Main dish-- Chicken chilli

#3 Carolling. After dinner, the Keller family started Christmas carolling! And they could harmonize. It's sooo good. I will upload the video soon (: Oh and guess what, they had a grand piano.

Preparing for the carols. Rather picking which carols to sing.

Heh heh, I don't have many chances to come so close to a grand piano though. so hee hee. Need to act act a bit. hahahas.

Others sat around and chit chat and enjoy the carols.
#4 Christmas stockings!
And soon, it was 12am on 25th December and it's time to take the stockings out and wait for Santa to fill them up with gifts!

Hees, Christmas stocking with snowman!!

Christmas stockings for EVERYONE!

Justine wrote the labels for the stockings so that Santa know what to give to who.

Justine's, Kaitlyn's (Justine's sister) and my stockings were already prepared before Santa arrives. haha. We had a different Santa. haha.
#5 Santa! comes the Santa!!!! (after all the adults went to bed)

She's Justine's cousin, Rachel. That bag was really filled with gifts for the stockings.

And she starts to fill up the stockings.

Look at the filled up stocking!!!! They are SOOOOO FULL!!

Look at that! Fully filled stockings! If I'm not wrong, this reindeer stockings belongs to Grandpa.

They are simple gifts like socks, hand cream, magazines etc. But for Grandpa, there was this huge box of Toblerone and loads of sweets in there. Guess he has sweet tooth like me too! hees.
I love this new experience for Christmas!! Stay tuned to the post on Christmas day. (It's still Christmas day while I'm blogging this)
< 3:34 AM >