I went to Jeju from 17th July to 19th July but sorry people, I have no time to upload my Jeju pictures cos crazy Xue Ting took 1000+ photos in 3 days. Have to re-organize the pictures before I can blog about it. Haha. Plus there's so many things for me to do.
Anyway, I think the flu season is really here. I guess 80% of KU Summer Campus students had fallen sick or are sick now. My friends had got the flu virus and now I guess I had caught it from them. Had dry throat the whole day and a little cough. Trying very hard to suppress the fever from even showing signs of it. I know fever is coming cos I feel really tired today. Guess should get ample rest tonight. I hope I can. I am still doing my CSIP Reflection Journal ): Due tomorrow. Oh shit. I have assignments due tml too. haix. sianx~~~
Ok shall stop blogging and finish everything and SLEEP!
Anyway, should I do my hair? Like colour / highlight / perm? My friend is going on Thursday to do it. Should I? Tag!! haha
< 9:30 PM >
Starting the day in a different way
- Wednesday, July 22, 2009 -
Ok I'm blogging now cos I realised my dear friends are actually reading my blog. haha I thought I was forgotten. So when I check my tagboard and see people tagging, I decided to blog about today (though I have a test tml morning and it's 11pm here and I just went shopping and left a lecture note haven't study)
Today is kinda special. ok slightly special. cos of the..............SOLAR ECLIPSE! haha. When we reach school, we saw a crowd holding some film like thingy looking at the sky so we joined in and they lent us a sheet of film like thingy as well and.............I saw the sun looking like a crescent! So cool~ First time looking at it. Actually I wasn't quite interested about it when my friend told me today at 10.40, there'll be solar eclipse. Then, after seeing the crescent shaped sun, I want to see it go missing. haha. ok but I didn't. But took some photos! haha.
Ok then after school, went shopping and was late for a chatroom participation. haix. think Xue Ting getting from bad to worse ah. haha. but I don't regret cos I bought 2 pairs of new shoes! hee. oh man. I'm sounding like a shopping queen. normally I don't get so many pairs of shoes in such a short period of time. But, one of them was only 8000 won (approx SGD $9). Who can resist such temptation right? hahaha. ok off to study.
< 10:07 PM >
Korea aside, phones now
- Tuesday, July 21, 2009 -
haha ok I'm actually supposed to do my assignment and study for my test on Thursday now so that I can go shopping tml (ok shopping again.) haha. but I just can't help it but start checking phone models and prices cos my plan can recontract in Sept!! haha. and here I am, facing many possibilities and don't know which one to choose. haha. please give me suggestions. haha.
Which combi should I choose?
#1 iTouch + current phone
#2 Samsung OMNIA II and no iTouch (cos I guess it serves almost the same functions just that I'm unsure if the iTouch games can be played on OMNIA)
#3 HTC newer phones and no iTouch (and the games thingy also unsure)
#4 iTouch + recontract with a cheaper phone like Sony Ericsson G705 (cos recontract will give me FREE UNLIMITED SMS--that's like SOOOOO impt)
#5 iPhone (I think this is way too ex for me to afford so it's my last choice haha)
ok, haven't say what I need. haha.
I need WiFi cos checking emails has become my favourite pastime.
I want to watch videos on the go.
I want to play fun games like those I played on wangwang's iTouch.
I need Adobe Reader and Microsoft office cos I need to read documents on the go (sometimes) haha. I make myself sound like my 生意做地很大. haha. I realised the importance of the above during this Korea trip. haha.
so my dear friends who are reading this, please tag on my tagboard and give me suggestions (: (: Thanks thanks! (:
ok really need to go study if not no need go shopping le.
< 8:55 PM >
Raining cats and dogs
- Tuesday, July 14, 2009 -
It rained the whole day. Not drizzle kind of rain but the real heavy rain. Afternoon was still ok. Could walk to canteen to eat. By the time after lesson, the rain was like super duper heavy. And we had to walk up the stupid slope to reach the hostel. like OMG can. Walking straight road to the mart to buy ready made dinner was already hard. And yes, the slope was HELL.
First, it is steep.
Second, direction of water flow was against my direction.
Third, lousy slope which has alot of holes so equal puddles of water.
Fourth, the puddles of water is so deep that it can cover my ankle = shoes and jeans all wet.
Fifth, there was lightning.
Sixth, I was walking alone after my friend who lived in another dorm reached her dorm like halfway up the slope.
Seventh, I was carrying alot of stuff cos bought some groceries.
Eighth, the rain was so heavy that my umbrella got hole and water dripping on me.
Ninth, my PRECIOUS BOOKS were a little wet cos of the umbrella hole.
Tenth, I couldn't find my key when I reach my place and I was carrying so many things.
Just bathed and had dinner and fruits. time to study. 2 tests on Thursday.
< 8:10 PM >
Friday 10th July 2009
- Sunday, July 12, 2009 -
Today we went to the Korean Folk Village. Took a 1.5 hr train to reach Suwon. There's a shuttle bus to the Korean Folk Village at 1.30 and we reached Suwon only at 1.15pm and need to get lunch. End up we reached the shuttle bus place at 1.35pm and missed it. Had to wait for the next one which was at 2.30pm. HAIX. We can either take public bus which takes 1hr + to reach or the shuttle bus which takes 30 min to reach the Village. End up we waited for the shuttle bus and reached the Village at about 2.50pm.
Walked around the village and took lotsa photos. In the village, there are many different kinds of houses e.g. farmer's house in the different parts/peasant's house in the different parts/manor's house etc. In one of the houses, there was a woman in Hanbok (Korean traditional costume) demonstrating cotton weaving. And in another house, there were 2 men demonstrating bamboo weaving. Also, there was a farmer farming.
Then it was the performances--acrobat on tight rope, acrobats on horses and traditional wedding. The videos are below, more available on Facebook SOON. haha
Acrobats on horses Video 1
Acrobats on horses Video 2
Acrobat on tight rope Video 1
Acrobat on tight rope Video 2
Hope the videos were entertaining (:
Nidda go study already. Blog more soon.
< 3:02 PM >
Satuday 4th July 2009
- -
Since Friday couldn't go to Gyeongbuk gong, we decided to go to Gyeongbuk gung today. Gyeongbuk gong is the oldest palace of the Joseon Dynasty.
We arrived at about 1.30-2pm. The guard changing ceremony (performance) was taking place then. Took a lot of photos cos haven seen Korean palace guards before. haha. Then a Korean came up to us and asked us to do a survey regarding tourist and their interest in Korean culture. There was a token of appreciation for doing the survey. It was a nice Korean style fan (: Picture on Facebook. (:
Finally bought the entrance ticket and we were told that there was a tea ceremony at 3pm. It was held at the inner most part of the palace and we're only at the entrance. And it's 2.45pm. So just chiong to catch the tea ceremony. Luckily we made it in time.
During the tea ceremony there were news channel crew filming. And we realised that day was the first day that they were doing the tea ceremony thingy. Tea brewing procedures were demonstrated. They invited foreigners to follow what the teacher demonstrated and the males could wear the traditional costume! So cute to see the caucasians wear the traditional Korean costume. Then tea and "kueh" were given as refreshments. And they made us foreigners stay back and they re-demonstrated the procedures and we gotta act like we're drinking just for the news to film and they said that we MAY be appearing on the news that night but I came back late so didn't watch the news.
After that, we took a lot of scenic photos and I THINK we went shopping after that. haha. Always ending the day with shopping.
Photos are on Facebook! (:
< 12:46 PM >
First Friday of the Summer programme
- Saturday, July 4, 2009 -
Every week, there's only lessons from Mon to Thur, that means I have long weekend!! So today, we went to the 1st shop Coffee Prince! The real shop where the drama was filmed. I couldn't believe I'm right there drinking Iced Cocoa and eating their cakes! SUPER HAPPY! But...stupid me forgot to bring memory card for camera so I couldn't take any photos. All the photos are with my friends so shall upload when I get it. I LOVE THE SHOW AND I LOVE THAT SHOP! But..the iced cocoa tasted like iced HL chocolate milk except that it was a little thicker.
Then, we went to Ewha Women's University. Not into the university but went to streets at the main gate of the uni to S-H-O-P SHOP! Bought clothes, a pair of shoes, a bag, an Artbox pencil case, a handgel and a 500won (about 60cents) mask.
We wanted to go to Gyeongbukgong but...shopping was just too exciting. It's not just one street. There're many different alleys that sold cheap clothes but almost all the same (like Bugis V liddat lor). Shopped until 4.30 then had lunch. Though I felt hungry at about 2.30 but when I walk out of the shop to find food, I saw another shop which interests me so went in. And the process continues and so by 4.30, my battery really super duper low so bo bian have to go for lunch.
After lunch, it was time for shopping AGAIN! ((= Shopped till about 7 before we left the place and proceed to 63 City! (the place where My Girl was filmed) Can you believe it? Xue Ting went up to 60th storey!!! It was a bit scary but not so scary if I don't look down. Beautiful view of the Hangang River from 60th floor but ya same thing--pictures with my friends.
Time to do some work before sleeping. ):
< 12:56 AM >
Monthly Planner on sale
- Friday, July 3, 2009 -
Hi all, should you have friends or family members who like the cute monthly planner below, email me (:
Cherry design plannerSelling at $3.00
Front cover
One of the planner pages
Another planner page
Pages at the back of the book for notes
Back cover
Note: the colour of the pages are not limited to the colours shown above.
Heart design plannerSelling at $3.00
Fron cover
One of the planner pages
Pages at the back of the book for notes
Back cover
Note: the colour of the pages are not limited to the colours shown above.
< 12:35 AM >
First day pictures
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Here are some pictures: View from my window seat (at about 5.30 am sg time)
Breakfast on plane. (doesn't taste good)
Lunch time! Ahjuma helping us with the cooking
Our lunch! Kam cha tang (bone soup?)
The big bone! That's lunch~
New friends lunching together
It's quite lok kok here actually...
The gantry for subway. EZ-link card is used too but the gantry gates don't close.